

The working method of Grupo Invesman is based on four essential principles that both detectives and professionals involved in our investigations must respect:

  • · Integrity and transparency: we maintain a solid commitment to our ethics and professional conduct. We advocate for a personalized relationship with our clients, keeping a relationship of utmost trust and mutual understanding of the issues entrusted to us, things which allow us to advise them on all the possibilities existing on the determined field of research.
  • · Effectiveness and credibility: what sets us apart from others is the effort and dedication to teamwork getting the best results, a symbol of excellence. We believe in providing accurate legal evidence and avoiding unnecessary legal proceedings. For this reason, our best seal of identity is to achieve the aims of our clients. .
  • · Systemic Planning: integrated planning of the current case by developing an investigation project in which we carry out a thorough analysis. It allows us to assess its feasibility while respecting the goals to be achieved and proposing the most appropriate plan of action to provide solutions to the needs expressed by our customers.
  • · Information and due diligence: the time spent in solving each investigation project is one of our priorities. Also, we defend the importance of keeping our clients informed throughout all the investigation process. We advocate as well for the proper execution of our profession in strict compliance with our Code of Ethics and preserving the duty of professional secrecy of all the facts and news we get to know because of our actions.

You set the goal, we choose the way to achieve it.